Understanding Diabetes: Types, Symptoms, and Management.



Diabetes is a very dangerous metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to efficiently control blood sugar levels. This leads to the development of chronic complications affecting the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves over time.


The main cause of diabetes is-

1. The pancreas does not produce the required quantity of insulin hormone or

2. The body cell does not produce insulin.

Symptoms Of Diabetes –

1.        Experiencing extreme thirst, referred to as polydipsia.

2.        Having frequent urination, known as polyuria.

3.        Feeling increased hunger, known as polyphagia.

4.        Experiencing blurred vision.

5.        Feeling increased tiredness.

6.        Having a dry mouth.

7.        Unexpected weight loss.

8.        Experiencing fatigue.

9.        Experiencing headaches.

10.      Experiencing loss of consciousness (a rare symptom).

11.      Experiencing recurrent infections, including thrush infection.


There are three forms of diabetes.

TYPE-1-also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile diabetes or early onset diabetes.

. The pancreas generates very little or no insulin in this kind of diabetes.

. Insulin injections are needed for the rest of your life.

.Damage to pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin, is the primary cause of this kind of diabetes.

. The exact cause of damage to beta cells is not clear.

. Our immune system can inadvertently destroy insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

. Genetics also affects this process and certain environmental factors, such as viruses, may trigger the disease.


Adult-onset diabetes is diabetes mellitus that is not insulin dependent.

. In this type of diabetes, the pancreas either does not produce enough insulin or the body is unable to use it appropriately.

. It is often considered a lifestyle disease because it is normally triggered by living a sedentary life or being overweight.

.It is caused by a combination of lifestyle and genetic disease.

.Insulin resistance is found in type -2 diabetes.


.A illness that can develop during the second trimester of pregnancy and disappears once the baby is born.

. In other circumstances, the patient is at risk of developing diabetes in the future.


Managing diabetes mellitus through Ayurveda involves focusing on balancing the doshas (energies) in the body and promoting overall well-being.

There are some natural remedies that can be followed :

  1. Diet: Follow a balanced diet plan according to your dosha type, include grains, fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid sugary and processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and excessive consumption of sweet fruits.
  2. Herbs and Supplements: There are some ayurvedic herbs and supplements that may help manage diabetes. Some commonly used herbs include bitter gourd (karela), fenugreek (methi), Indian gooseberry (amla), turmeric (haldi). However, it is important to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before using any herbs or supplements.
  3. Lifestyle Modifications: Maintain a regular exercise routine that includes activities such as walking, yoga. Regular exercise helps improve insulin sensitivity and help in managing blood sugar levels. Also helpful in managing stress through practices like meditation and deep breathing can be beneficial.
  4. Panchakarma: Panchakarma is a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy in Ayurveda. It involves various techniques like oil massage (Abhyanga), herbal steam therapy (Swedana) and enemas (Basti). Panchakarma treatments can help remove toxins from the body and support overall health.
  5. Regular Monitoring: Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly and work closely with your healthcare provider to adjust your treatment plan as needed. Ayurveda can be used as a complementary approach alongside conventional medical care, and it is essential to coordinate with your health care team.

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